Wednesday, March 10

A Lesson Learned?

We had another trauma drama in our house last Friday night. While practicing inside with Ted and Jack, Elliot peeled some of the metallic tape (at right) off of his hockey stick. He crumpled up the pieces and threw them onto the floor. Theo crawled right over and ate one of them. Unfortunately, the tape was almost cellophane thin, and sticky, so it did not go down well. It managed to get lodged in the back of Theo's throat. He coughed, gagged, vomited and cried, but the tape would not come up or go down. After about 15 or 20 minutes, we decided to take him to the hospital. I knew that I would never make it driving to the hospital myself with Theo in the backseat in his carseat. I also knew that it would be impossible to mobilize four kids (one gagging and vomiting) to make a speedy exit. And, I was worried that the tape might somehow move and obstruct his airway. We called the pediatrician and 911, and an ambulance came. En route to the hospital, he managed to completely swallow the tape, and was instantly fine. They still wanted to check him at the hospital. He had a chest x-ray, and they x-rayed the rest of the tape (which was clear on x-ray, so most likely plastic.)

After a surprisingly quick and painless ER visit, I took Theo back home. His brothers, by this time, were in bed. Jack has always been worried about Theo putting things in his mouth, and was beside himself when Theo ate the tape. I knew I needed to reassure Jack that Theo was home and fine. When I took Theo into Jack's room to say good night, Jack asked me in all earnestness, "Do you think he learned his lesson?" I only wish I could have said yes, for all of our sakes.

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