Walking by Jack and Elliot's bedroom door yesterday, something caught my eye. A handwritten sign had been posted there. Upon closer examination, I realized it was a do not enter sign. (Click on any picture to see a larger image.) Our house is still pretty much a privacy free zone (due to the fact that the kids never want any, and in fact strenuously object to it,) so I was a bit surprised to see the sign. Jack and Elliot do occasionally request a gate in their doorway when they're working on a large scale construction project and don't want Mattie to knock it down, but that didn't seem to be the

case here. I opened the door and glanced in the room. There was no one there, and no obvious top secret project in the works, so I returned to my housework. A few hours later, I noticed that a second sign, in Elliot's handwriting this time, had been posted on top of the first. This sign was similarly intentioned, but again there were no signs of life or activity inside the room. At the time, everyone was playing very nicely together, so I didn't even bother asking about the signs. The only thing I stumbled across yesterday in their room that seemed like a potential treasure was a hand drawn map of a new world, inv

ented by Jack. Perhaps he was planning a move there to escape his
terrible parents. I'm still not sure whether they were aimed at Mattie, or Ted and me, but Mattie was as unconcerned as I was. Happily illiterate still, he went about his normal business all day yesterday, without even a glance in the direction of the signs.
1 comment:
I just noticed that Jack's map bears a slight resemblance in outline to the US map. I'll have to ask if it is supposed to resemble it...
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