Monday, October 5

Book of the Week

My book of the week suggestions are slowly becoming my book of the every other week suggestions. But I promise to keep recommending books, even if it's not as often, as I love sharing my favorite children's books with all of you. Reading is one of my favorite ways to spend time with my kids, and it never fails to calm even the most hyperactive boy in this house. I hope you'll pick this one up!

Owen & Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship by Isabella Hatkoff, et als.

This is the story of the unlikely friendship between a baby hippo named Owen and an old tortoise named Mzee. We were given this book by one of my mother's oldest friends, who has been a pre-school teacher for the last 30 years. It is a beautifully photographed and true story of a baby who is separated from his mother during the 2004 tsunami, and is rescued and taken to live in an animal sanctuary in Kenya. After losing his mother, baby Owen forges a new bond with old Mzee, and the two have lived together every since. It's unusual, and heartwarming, and while the story would appeal to children of any age, the text is probably most appropriate for the 4-6 crowd.

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