We had an amazing day today at Wingaersheek Beach, in Gloucester, MA. We had the perfect weather - it was sunny and 90 degrees, and Wingaersheek is just a really great beach to visit, especially with kids. At low tide, the beach stretches out for hundreds of feet before you get to the water. You can wade through the calm, shallow water to a long sand bar. It is so big, that some families set up all of their stuff there. The beach is also covered with huge rock formations. When the tide goes out, the spaces between the rocks form tidal pools. We arrived there today about an hour or so before low tide. We had plenty of time to frolic in the shallow water, wade out to the sand bar and climb on all the rocks we could see. Then, we found a beautiful, and completely uninhabited nook between two large rock outcroppings, and set up camp. The kids quickly appropriated a nearby tide pool, and we spent the entire rest of the day playing nearby. Ted and I were able to steal some precious time relaxing in our beach chairs. Theo took a long nap super-swaddled in his bassinet. Elliot and I dug a trench from the tidal pool and created a new little pool. The boys climbed the rocks over and over again. Mattie pushed his trucks around the tidal pool. It was 4:00 before Ted or I started to think about going home, and 5:00 before we actually left the beach. We waited until our secluded spot was just about to be flooded with the incoming tide, then coaxed the boys out of the then bathwater temperature pool, and called it a day. An amazing day, for us all.
Check out our photos from the beach!
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