Thursday, August 27

Happy Birthday Elliot!

Elliot turned 6 today. He is my monkey and my peanut, the smallest of the four boys. My mom calls him the Energizer Bunny; he's the last one to sleep at night, and the first one awake in the morning. He's easy going and even keeled, loves sports and all things that involve physical activity. Elliot's favorite color is yellow, and his favorite foods are sushi, cake, pears, hot dogs, and canteloupe. He loves to play games and is an unbelievable numbers whiz. He is also my most social and talkative child; he hates being alone.

For his birthday he wanted one thing - an archery set. This is something he has been asking for (and has not gotten!) for the last 2 years. We were at a toy store here in Berwyn a few days ago, and he stumbled upon a marshmallow bow set. He immediately ran over to show it to me and to ask if I would buy it for him. Before I even had a chance to answer, he said, "Wait. What age does this say it's for?" He looked at the box, which said "Ages 6+." I didn't even have to turn him down. Ever the optimist, he said, "Do you think we can come back here after Thursday?" The woman who worked at the toy store witnessed this whole exchange, and was in stitches.

We headed out this morning to buy the boys' fall shoes. Elliot and Jack couldn't be more different. Elliot only wants to wear sneakers, and can't stand the idea of wearing anything brown or leathery. Jack loves soft leather shoes, and has trouble bringing himself to wear sneakers. This makes shoe shopping a bit difficult when each chid is supposed to pick out one pair of sneakers, and one pair of school uniform shoes. Elliot's choice, on today of all days - some silver and yellow light up shoes, and a pair of bright yellow Chuck Taylor's. So much for the unform shoes! Tonight we're headed out for a Japanese steak house (performance) dinner, and sushi, of course.

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