Tuesday, May 24

Breaking the Law

Every morning Jack and Elliot get up, get dressed, then come upstairs to eat breakfast. It doesn't make for the cleanest school clothes, but it makes getting up and getting ready go quickly and smoothly. Mattie still goes to pre-school, so he gets to leave later in the morning. We've always let him eat breakfast in his pajamas, then get dressed after the big boys leave. But, this hasn't been working so well lately. The more I expect him to undress and dress independently, the more he has been digging his heels in and doing nothing. So, I decided to take a short cut, and get him dressed at night. Now, on school nights, he picks out his clothes for the next day and wears them to bed. What a difference! He gets out of bed, and is practically ready to walk out the door. Everything was going great, until Jack remembered something he had read. "Sleeping in your day clothing is against the law in Boston." So, while we have solved one problem, we have simultaneously created a new one. Now, mornings go smoothly, but bedtime tortures Jack!

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