Looking back at my last post, I realize it's been weeks since I last blogged. I have been busy! It's parent participation time of year at Mattie's pre-school, and I agreed to do a cape making project with another mom. I definitely bit off more than I could chew. It's not that the project wasn't a great idea, and the results really cute, but for a three year old's preschool project, there is really no commensurate benefit for the 10-15 hours of behind the scenes work that we logged.
I've also been busy chasing one newly walking, barely sleeping baby boy. One Tuesday afternoon, Theo woke up from his nap and decided that he wanted to walk. He had taken 2 or 3 steps countless times before, but had never really had any interest in walking. For some reason, that changed on May 12th. He still prefers to crawl to get somewhere, but he just keeps standing himself up and setting off on foot now. He's very proud of himself, and his brothers love it too! Mattie shouts out, "Look! Theo's walking!" every time he takes off. He's also going through that tough transition from one nap to two, and from what we can tell, getting his first molars. He's waking up in the middle of the night, rising with the sun each morning, often skipping his afternoon nap, and crying a lot. So, while our days have been full of excitement and new discoveries, we're both exhausted.
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