My dearest Baby Theo:
You're at it again. You're growing up right before my very eyes! This week you turned six months old. You celebrated this milestone with so many firsts - we brought out your ultrasaucer, you tried out the swings at the park, and tomorrow, you'll taste your first bite of cereal! Each day you grow more alert, and more interested in the world around you. Your whole routine has turned upside down this month. You used to live on the EASY schedule -- eat, awake, sleep, you (meaning mommy time.) Now, you're too alert to do more than nibble except when falling asleep. You can stay up for 3 hours or more at a time, and never tire of watching your brothers.

For some strange reason, you giggle uncontrollably when they go up and down the stairs. We still think you look most like Jack. When I look at you, I'm reminded of Pop Pop, my dad. You reach and grab everything now. It's hard to hold you on my lap to eat. If I forget even for a moment, you grab a big handful of whatever is on my plate. Luckily for me, amidst all these firsts, you're still my sweet tiny baby in so many ways. You still love to be swaddled when you sleep. You still sleep on a sheepskin in your small, round crib beside our bed. You're favorite place is in our arms. We take you everywhere, happily tucked into the Ergo. You love to ride around, pressed close to mom or dad, holding tightly onto our shirts with your tiny fists. Your

knuckles are dimples, carved out of your sweet chubby hands. Your toes curl around under your feet. Your brothers still refer to you simply as "Baby." And, you're never happier than when you're in my arms nursing, and I'm giving you the ultimate sustenance - love, nourishment, health, life.
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