Sunday, September 20

Memory Lane

As is often the case here in Boston, the first week of school brought with it the first taste of fall. It has been breezy and cool since Labor Day. This morning, I hung the cloth diapers out to dry on the clothesline. It was first thing in the morning, and although the sun is still strong, it was cold out there. I found myself savoring the activity a little bit more than usual, knowing that it won't be long before it's too cold to hang anything outside at all. I love cloth diapers for many reasons, but more than anything else, I love watching the diapers hang outside to dry. It's crazy, I know. I could sit there all day, just watching them float on the line, and blow in the breeze. I'm sure that for many people, the idea of hanging anything out to dry in a city conjures up images of tenements, with laundry hanging out the windows everywhere. But, for me, the swaying clothesline, weighted down by the wet diapers, is a symbol of relaxation and tranquility.

I grew up spending several weeks each summer at my grandparents' beach house. It was in Cape May Point, NJ. The house was big and old, and wonderfully romantic to a small child. During all the years my grandparents owned the house, they never had a clothes dryer. So, the wash was always hung outside to dry. I spent some of the most fun and relaxing days I can remember at that house. I'm sure that is why I associate hanging the diapers outside to dry with relaxation and happiness.

As I stood out on our deck this morning, carefully pinning the diapers to the line, I thought about the happy memories I have from my childhood. A wave of good feelings came over me. And then I looked inside at my children. I want them to be full of wonderful childhood memories as well. I hope that many of them include me, and the things I do. Only time will tell what things will stand out in their minds. But, if I could pick, they would remember: me hanging the baby diapers out to dry, making fresh baked bread and kneading it on our table, reading stories all crammed into our favorite rocking chair, taking long car trips, with all of us and all of our stuff packed into the car, having two Christmas trees, our big weekend breakfasts of bacon, eggs and grits, and of course, going to the beach every summer.

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