Tuesday, October 6

The Best and The Worst of It

We often play a game at dinner called the "Best and Worst Game". We take turns going around the table, and we each share what the best and worst parts of our day were. It's a great dinner table game. It gives everyone a chance to share something good and bad about their day, and it is also a fantastic way to practice listening and taking turns. Everyone gets a chance to speak, but they are also expected to listen respectfully to everyone else. I think I first read about it in a book a year or so ago. I decided to try it as a way to practice listening, and to help us get through our chaotic weeknight dinners without Ted. Jack and Elliot really love being able to share their best and worst things. Unfortunately, what I've cooked for dinner is very often both of their worst things. But, I don't let it get me down! Mattie, on the other hand, enjoys the game, but has never really grasped the concept enough to be able to contribute accurately. We always give him the chance to pick his best and worst things, but his answers are often things like "seven", or "um, blue." Today, however, something must have clicked. For the first time tonight, he told us what his best part of today was, and he said, "I'm at home." He meant, specifically, that he was not at school. He asks every morning whether he has to go to school that day. He usually phrases it like this: "Are you going to leave me alone at school today?" Although we did go to his school for a family breakfast this morning, I assured him that he would not be staying at school, and would in fact be spending the whole day at home with me. So, very sweetly, his very first ever best part of the day was being at home with me.

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