Wednesday, August 12

Hide and Seek

The boys have been busy inside today building forts and playing hide and seek, and I couldn’t be happier. Jack and Elliot have played hide and seek sporadically in the past, but it has taken over this week as the favorite indoor pastime. Mattie’s new interest in the game seems to have fueled this new appeal. At 2 ¾, he has finally developed the patience to count to 30, the control to keep quiet in his hiding spot, and the attention span and energy to chase his brothers around the whole house when it’s his turn to seek.

As the boys were playing this afternoon, I laid down on one of their twin beds and closed my eyes for a few minutes. They played up and down the stairs and all round me, mostly oblivious to my presence. But, when Mattie couldn’t find a place to hide, and Jack’s count was nearing 25, I motioned for Mattie to run over to me. I scooped him up, and hid him under the covers right next to me. He laid there silently, with only a small tuft of blond ringlets sticking out. Our trick worked; they couldn’t find him! We finally threw the cover back and Mattie popped out. All three boys fell on the floor laughing. Of course, that was the end of my peace in bed!

12 Reasons I LOVE hide and seek:

1. You don’t need any toys to play.

2. Three (or more) is never a crowd.

3. No batteries required.

4. When you’ve found a great place, you just sit there QUIETLY and rest.

5. You can play it anytime, anywhere.

6. I played it when I was a kid.

7. My parents played it when they were kids.

8. No adult supervision needed.

9. No assembly required.

10. It’s not a contact sport.

11. There’s nothing to clean up when you’re done.

12. I want to hide next!

My mind keeps going back to that enormous house we looked at in Norwell last week. (Of course, I love it. As Ted put it, “what’s not to love about a 6 bedroom, brand new house on 2 acres?”) If we lived there, I might never find the kids again…

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