Wednesday, June 23

Vital Stats

Theo had his 15 month check up today.  He was 25 lbs 4 oz, and 34" long. He walks all the time now, and even tries to run when he sees something he really wants. His molars are coming in, so he hasn't been sleeping as well as usual, and has been pretty crabby a lot of the time, but it's hard to blame him when I see his red swollen gums. He has successfully transitioned to one nap a day, which I'm ecstatic about. He usually naps from about 10:30 to 1:30 each day, and then goes down for bed around 8, and gets up around 6:30 or 6:45. He loves the playground, and cries whenever he sees one and we don't stop. He has also just started showing jealousy towards Mattie. Whenever we hold Mattie on our laps, or pick up or kiss Mattie, Theo comes waddling over to fuss and push Mattie away. Theo still hates diapers changes, loves to be held, and breastfeeds about 5 times most days. He also likes to eat strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pasta, grilled cheese, eggs, chocolate, peanut butter, asparagus, peas, pears, apples, bananas, yogurt, cheese, cheerios, chicken, ice cream and bread.

Theo is absolutely adorable. We love watching his personality unfold. But, he also drives us crazy with his insatiable need to be held, and afinity for climbing everything. He is definitely keeping us on our toes! Each day he is more of a toddler, and a big boy, chasing after his brothers in every way.

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